Understanding the Assignment: A Tale of a Flower Boy

March 31st, 2024

There's a story I'd like to share with you, a tale that involves a wedding, a flower boy, and a very important assignment. It's a story that's close to my heart as a photographer, and one that I had the privilege of capturing through my lens. Now, let me set the scene for you.


It was at a wedding in New Jersey where I had been hired as the photographer. The immaculate venue, the radiant bride, the dashing groom, everything seemed perfect. However, the real star of the show turned out to be the flower boy. You know, the little guy who often walks down the aisle before the bride, scattering petals? Well, this kid, he truly understood his assignment.


I've been to countless weddings, captured numerous moments, but never have I seen a flower boy take his role so seriously. He knew exactly when to walk, how much to smile, where to scatter the petals, and how to capture everyone's attention. His every move was filled with such innocence and cuteness that I couldn’t help but keep my lens focused on him. It was as if he was born to do this.


Every now and then, you come across these little moments that take you by surprise. Moments that are unscripted, spontaneous, and filled with pure emotion. For me, that's the beauty of being a wedding photographer. It's not just about capturing the bride and groom, but also the laughter, tears, and joy of all the people who make the day special.


And so, the story of the flower boy who understood his assignment has stayed with me. It's a reminder that sometimes, the smallest of roles can leave the biggest of impressions. It's a testament to the fact that when you understand your job, no matter how big or small, you can truly make a difference. And most importantly, it’s proof that wedding photography isn't just about trends or fancy equipment, it's about capturing the soul of the occasion.


So, here's to the flower boys and girls, the unsung heroes who add their touch of charm to weddings. And here's to the magic of photography that allows us to freeze these precious moments in time. Because at the end of the day, it's these little stories that make the most beautiful pictures.